We were created to uniquely be US

Good Afternoon Guys 🙂

I hope everyone is having a good day.  Here in the High Rockies we are in the middle of the biggest May snowstorm in over 40 years 😉  Yep, a bit crazy and lots of snow for May. Today I had some time as I was sitting inside watching the snow fall and wanted to share something on my heart and that hubby and I have been talking lots about lately. I feel it is largely been put on my heart to create community and foster it.  There is HUGE blessing in community!! For some years in my life I fought it and it truly was a huge blessing I was allowing myself to robbed of.   I feel Jesus wants us to love people with his love and offer grace to others as we so graciously need ourselves.  We should feel others people’s burdens and hurt when they hurt and be excited and champion them through the good things too!  However, truly what we answer for is ourselves.  Please hear me out here.  Yes, we should create community.    The way we were raised, where we are in this season of life, where life has led us, where we are in our journey with Jesus all impact us differently and even more so God created us all with different gifts and personalities and passions.  I feel Jesus has been so laying on my heart to make sure I’m seeking him and going to the Holy Spirit daily for my life.  Of course we all know this.  However, what I mean is sometimes we see things.  Good things we want to be more like and bad things we don’t care for especially the more we build relationships with others.  Sometimes, we so want to help or “fix things our way” just wishing that person would listen because we have been there and made that mess ourselves and yet they don’t sometimes.  They keep waddling in the same messes.  (As yes I and you and everyone absolutely has both good and bad things in our lives and are a work in process all the time!  My prayer is to never stop growing and being teachable and having l God challenging me to new heights because he knows I have a LONG way to go!! ) However, God has clearly laid something on my heart lately through the Holy Spirit.  He has said, “Lauren, I have called you to walk the life I have for you.  I have imprinted the passions and such on your heart that you have uniquely for you.  Yes, please always be real vulnerable and share with people so you can show them some of what I have taught you.  However, the life I have led you to is uniquely yours.  When you get upset about something or see someone doing something that breaks your heart yes talk to me about it, yes be there, yes love them, but at the end of the day remember THEIR WALK IS NOT YOUR WALK! ” (Please note I’m NOT saying we shouldn’t walk out things with people.  We absolutely should. The only time I would say no is when someone has made it clear they don’t want you then you do need to step back 😉   In these situations we will have to learn how to love from afar.  However, regardless we must allow people to  have the freedom to walk out situations  with Jesus  int their own way not just the way  in the way he has led us “I” or anyone else thinks they should or would handle it) If people are truly seeking Jesus even if it looks different from our journey did or we think it should it will still be an amazing journey and if they aren’t going to Jesus we can pray they will and he will show them but we have to let go of that as well.

We all have unique walks.  It is so easy to get so caught up over little things and we all have passions and things that matter more to us or bother us more than they would someone else or when we are at a different place on our journey.  I’m pretty sure if we are honest we all do this!  I know without a doubt I def sometimes get on others people’s nerves or can’t understand sometimes something God has greatly laid on their hearts and I do the same to others sometimes.  God uniquely through his Holy spirit lays things on our heart.  I also do absolutely feel he lays discernment on our hearts as well and so we can see both good and bad and sometimes be corrected as well.  I’m not talking here a cop-out for saying oh if something immoral is on someone’s heart then God has laid that on their heart.  Of course not because God will never lay something inmoral on our hearts to live out!   I believe in speaking truth in love and at the times God allows and tells us to do so .  However, I do believe at the end of the day what truly matters is me going to Jesus for me and my daily portion.  Jesus will equip me personally to be the wife, mom, friend, and so forth for the people he has placed in my life.  My walk won’t look the same as someone else’s walk and theirs the same as mine.  Bottom line of what I am trying to say is build community and love people.  However, at the end of the day we need the Holy spirit alone for where we are on our personal journey.  The passions my husband and I have our hearts are uniquely ours.  The places and both good and bad God has allowed me, my husband, and our children to walk through and grow through is uniquely for us and the plans he has for us.  At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what someone else is or isn’t doing but in us walking in the freedom of the Holy Spirit for our own lives.  There is great freedom and joy of that.  I’ve had to personally learn how to balance that while still creating community and there is great peace and joy in that and realizing our own individual worth and journey in Christ. When we realize this we are truly free to love others and champion others with Christ like love but also letting go of feeling like we have to answer for everyone.

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Realizing your value through Christ

Happy Monday Guys 🙂

I hope everyone is off to the start of a fantastic week.  Mine has started off as a Monday.  I had been “cooking” dinner in my crock pot for about 2 hours when I noticed I did not even plug in the crock pot.  Oh well maybe it will still be ready for dinner 😉  Anyways on to what is on my heart today.   I have written about before I got serious  I tried so many things and never stuck with it.  I was looking at everything as a diet or quick fix.  Nothing really truly changed and I didn’t truly want lifestyle change till I TRULY realized my value in Christ.  I realized I was worth investing in for myself and for those I love.  When I went on a fitness journey it was about sooooo much more than just weight loss and truly I didn’t even know that till I began my journey.  Once I realized my worth in Christ I was actually able to follow through and lose the weight and truly change my lifestyle.  My relationship with both Jesus and my husband  grew deeper. See Trapped in survival mode….  and I knew it had to change…. I realized through Christ ultimate love I was valuable.  I had grown up saying and hearing this but it wasn’t till I TRULY believed how valuable I was and started taking ACTION on things that things changed.  Look, us ladies naturally wear a lot of hats and have tons of insecurities. Maybe yours aren’t with needing to go on a fitness journey or needing to lose weight. We sometimes struggle with self-worth.  Truly the only person that can make you feel valuable and worth it at a core level all the time is Jesus!  I have talked to so many people, who were once like I was, and want change but don’t know how and ask me what changed and my secret. The truth is I had to realize it wouldn’t be quick or painless  and I had to realize my worth and this was a journey worth taking with Jesus! Look, the truth is it comes with much effort involved.  When Jesus takes us on a journey to realize our worth I believe he so wants us to experience his best and what he has for it.  That means there will be work, sacrifice, and dedication.  Without those things along the way we couldn’t truly learn and see all he has for us.  Jesus wants us to be confident women who are sure of our worth through him. He wants to equip us to see we are valuable and cherished and worth investing in.  ( Now, I am NOT talking cocky and arrogant as that is the complete opposite of truly being confident in Jesus and his heart for us.)  However, when we go on a journey with Jesus it is a journey that takes worth and effort.  He WILL equip you and show you amazing things along the journey if you let him this I can promise you from first hand experience!!  I can not STAND the word diet as the way the American population has made it.  A diet is simply what you eat!  It is not a quick fix to lose weight.  Look, bottom line.  I went on a fitness journey with Jesus, not a diet, and through that he truly gripped and changed my heart and lifestyle.  I believe with 100% of my heart than if you are where I was, truly needing change and wanting change, Jesus will walk with you through the journey and show you things about yourself and make you come alive in new ways if you truly want it.  However, please please friends remember this a journey and he cares so much about us he doesn’t want us missing the journey and trying for quick fixes that don’t work.  He wants to truly grip our hearts, renew us, make us confident women who know our worth through him.  It will take effort and stretch you.  My heart is truly for all of us women to realize this even if you may not personally need a fitness journey!!  Blessings!

Ps.  I will leave you with these 2 quotes with one of my fav quotes ever and so much truth by Lysa Terkeurst and then one of my littles biking to town today as it just makes me smile and thankful 🙂

Christianise and some random thoughts…

“Christianity is decaying and going down into the gutter because the God of modern christianity is not the God of the bible.” A.W. Tozer

Wow what a way to start a post huh 😉  I will preface and say I go to an amazing church that loves people well. P  This post is about our American christian culture as a whole and my general heart on this topic.  This has been on my heart a lot lately.  My husband and I were talking about Christianise and how it has hurt so many people and creeps up almost everywhere.  It started with a discussion about marriages and how many marriages are hurting and people seem to think our area has more hurt marriages that some other areas.  I was telling him I am not sure that is the case as I have seen hurt marriages and broken people everywhere we have lived. My husband made a profound comment to me that I have been thinking about and 100% agreed.  He said, “Babe I don’t think our area has any more hurt people and broken marriages than anywhere else as they are everywhere but I think our area debunks Christianise.” I was intrigued by his observation but it started a deep discussion.  There have been some places I have lived where almost the whole population is “christian”.  Everyone in those areas knows who Jesus is and attends church.  However, in many of those places there are a lot of hurt marriages and hurting people who feel the need to pretend it is all okay.  Statistics definitely help validate this point.  Where I currently live people don’t seem to pretend.  People don’t go to church because it is “expected”.  You can’t really measure someone’s relationship with Jesus by if they are in church and I feel this is true no matter where you live. I am NOT saying fellowship with other christians and outreach is not important.  However, in our “American Christianese culture” as a whole we measure someone’s faith and the christian population of an area by whether people are in church and how many new people are coming in.  Look, people can go to church without being saved.  We can all look the part for anything in life without really changing.  For instance, I can go watch my team play football every week and show up faithfully, however without being involved on the team I am NOT part of the team. We can show up for church and pretend it is fine and we have a relationship with Jesus and not.  I have been there before myself  until I craved more and really dug deep and was grasped by Jesus to make my faith into a real relationship.  I am NOT anti church.  There are some great churches that truly care about people, including mine.  I think we should be involved with church and community and that is hugely my heart.  However, I am ANTI evaluating if someone is saved or not by Sunday attendance and their pretending life is perfect. If we don’t take the time to truly know people and walk and DO LIFE with them we will never know the real person.  If we all feel we have to “play a part” and we are good then we have Christianity backwards for sure!  If we can’t understand why so many don’t want to come church and play a “Christianise game” then we need to re-evaluate. We ARE the Church!  We will all screw up and need Grace.  However, we need to see where our hearts are.  Our American christian culture has, as a whole, equated the church model to a business model.  If we are tithing to our church and yet our church isn’t helping our community then we have it backwards. If our community food banks and programs are caring and loving on people more than we in the church are that is wrong.   If we care more about our sunday church attendance then we do caring and loving people daily maybe it is time to re-evaluate.  If we equate attendance and growth as to how healthy our church is we have it wrong.  Christianese can creep in fast and it can and has hurt a lot of people.  Our relationship with Jesus matters, things that break his heart matter (including morally), our relationship with others matter, and loving people and truly walking out life with them matter. Understanding people’s hurts matter.  My hearts cry for myself and others is for us to “drop the Christianese” and love people and care about people and invest in people.  If we don’t than we have a mere business based religion that no one wants.  I know I DON’T want that!  If that is what christianity is then I’m out has been the general point I have gotten from a lot of people I have talked to  and you know what I AGREE with them!  That is NOT who Jesus is or what our aim should be.  “Christianese” hurts people.

A time to Evaluate…..

Good Afternoon! 🙂

I hope everyone is off to a great start to the week.  This is not a weight loss post but a homeschooling mom post 🙂  Just thought I should preface with that.  Something on my heart lately.  I enjoy homeschooling most days 😉 or have for most years.  However, as many of you know we moved back to Colorado last summer.  This year I needed something easy for our family so we decided to go the online public school route.  I knew it wouldn’t offer me as much flexibility and creativity as we usually enjoy in our home school but thought it would be a great fit with adjusting back to living in Colorado to have less planning.  In many ways it has been a big blessing.  I was able to have free curriculum when money has been tight from moving, I haven’t had to plan very much, and I feel my children have great teacher resources.  I am in NO WAY saying the cirriculam doesn’t try to work and that it can’t be a blessing.  However, as this year has gone on I have felt stressed and find our family not enjoying school.  We homeschool for many reasons, however one thing I love about homeschooling is it allows me to help our children foster a love for learning.  Learning can be fun and busy work is not needed.  This of course is not the case with online public school.  I also personally like a biblical based cirriculam where our children can learn about Jesus and apologetics and I can add in resources that are a good fit for my children along the way.  I enjoy having the freedom and flexibity in our cirriculam to spend more or less time on something as needed.  I am type A personality by nature so if we miss a day of lessons on online academy I feel very behind and find it overwhelming for my personality.

I know this is a huge a back story, however my point to writing all this is to encourage anyone struggling with something in their home school routine.  If you feel something is stealing your joy you can and should change it.  I don’t want to be THAT MOM who is constantly stressed and misses the blessings and some of the “whys” of why I homeschool.  Let’s be real –some days  with homeschooling and being a mom in general it WILL NOT be fun and our joy can be lost.  However, if that is becoming a pattern for you like it has me maybe it is time to evaluate and change.  Sidenote, does anyone else notice that sometimes when God is showing you something about your joy and outreach in one area (for me at the time homeschooling) he is showing so much more about how this relates to other things in my life?  I think it is awesome when that is the case 🙂  On that note, it’s a beautiful spring day here in the High Rockies.  I hope everyone is enjoying and embracing today and finding time to get outdoors.  🙂

Starting Somewhere

Good Afternoon guys 🙂

Today I want to talk really quickly about something that I think is the biggest hurdle for starting a fitness journey or anything we need to do or change in life.  It is simply STARTING!  Starting and getting on a routine and changing the way things have been done in my personal opinion is half the battle.  We all know to expect different results we have to do different things.  It is really simple in theory but can hard to put into action.  Old habits and routines are hard to break up and change sometimes even when they are for our good.  However, it is ALWAYS worth it!  I think it is also important to remember that when you start you won’t be where you will a month from now, 6 months from now, or even 3 years from now.  Guys if you had told me 4 years ago I would be active daily (and enjoy it) and I would take long hikes, bike rides, and runs I would have told you that you were crazy and obviously didn’t know me.  The point is had I  never been active or into truly leading a healthy and active lifestyle in my adult life.   Now I will be honest.  When I first started changing my lifestyle I couldn’t run a whole mile on the treadmill.  I would walk 3 miles at a moderate pace for me at the time with some intervals.  I kept pushing myself and realized I liked the progress.  I then, over time, took it a step further and tried different things.  However, the simple and harsh reality is if I had never started at the small place I did then I would never have been able to experience different activities and realize I enjoyed way more than I thought I did.  Progress takes time and comes sometimes in impressive gains and sometimes at the pace of a snail but it is worth it!!!  Changing routines and getting out of ruts and old patterns is hard and takes time, but now I couldn’t imagine life being any other way and I’m so beyond thankful!  If you have to make big changes like I myself did don’t look at it as one daunting goal.  This is super overwhelming!  Look at it as a place to start and grow and continue growing.  I am definitely still growing and pray that never ever changes. If you are at a point where you need to start remember don’t be too hard on yourself but START and be consistent and realize the joy of the process and transformation. 🙂  Have a wonderful day guys! 🙂

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The outpouring of the heart…

I will head this off with a warning….This post  is nothing based on weigh loss specifically though I did apply some of this through my journey and will bring it together at the end of this post.  I have something on my heart and kind where God has been taking me personally.  In proverbs 4:23 it says “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.  In the new testament there is also TONS on the heart.  For example, Romans 12:8 says “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others have fulfilled the law.” Jesus and Paul both talked a lot about our hearts and guarding our hearts as well as truly loving others.  This past few years God has been showing me how important it is truly be pure with what flows from our hearts. For example, I think about with my marriage. I don’t want to love my husband based upon a list of things to do, yet I want to truly love him and connect with him on a heart level and I want him to do the same.  If not then we don’t have a true marriage.  I don’t want my children just to follow my rules because I say they need to. I want love for Jesus and others to be in their hearts and the reason they choose to do things.  I don’t want to raise children who know my rules but have never had any heart behind it, because then they are following a “plan” and that’s what keeps them on the right track so to speak. (DISCLAIMER : I  do know when you are a parent sometimes we have to make boundaries and pray our children’s heart follows.  I know part of the job of parenting is to establish boundaries for your children to follow, however I hope to show my children the heart and why behind these boundaries and rules ) I personally don’t want to do things just because I need to check them off my list.  Look this may be controversal but I think a  HUGE problem with “american christianity” is so many times we look at things as boxes to check off with no heart behind why we are doing things.  We look to do things to get it checked off our list with no true heart behind it.  Look, I know we are all human and at times we know we just have to do things and we have to be willing to die to self and know that the heart will follow.  However, I DO NOT want that to be my life verse and song.  I want to love others truly because God first loved me.  I want to build community because I love people.  I  want people to know I’m real and make mistakes and  I screw up but my heart is pure.   I am so thankful for a savior who loves me and bestows grace and mercy upon me, yet I pray daily to have my heart transformed to love people BIGGER and MORE.  Look people MATTER!!  We have such an awesome Lord who loves us and when we truly can grasp that as much as our humans minds can we truly want to love others.  I have known religion and of God my whole life but my faith truly didn’t really start becoming my own till my 20s when I truly started developing relationship and seeing Jesus and his truths for myself, not as a box of something I had always known. Once I truly had the heart to seek him and make my relationship with him truly my own I really started knowing him and his heart.

With my weight struggles before  I had success I  always looked at my weight and issues as something to check off. Yes, I needed to lose weight and get healthy but truly for a long  time I had no heart behind my motives to truly take action and get healthy.  I would try something with no heart behind it and it may work short-term or whatever but I wouldn’t stick with it.  My heart wasn’t in it. It was not till I truly put my heart into wanting to get healthy and change my lifestyle  I had true transformation to make my weight loss journey happen.  NOT just the idea of it but truly wanting to change and willing to put in the effort. ( Yes, even with our heart in things we have to put in effort it just changes the attitude we have behind the effort and usually makes our effort truly a 100% effort)  I  honestly  had to get to this point in my relationship with The Lord and my marriage as well.  Things never really changed till I changed my heart and I was ready to take action.

My burden and desire is to truly have a HEART to love others, put in effort for things that matter, and not look at things in my life as just boxes to check off.  When I have looked at things and people as boxes to check– and oh have I with so many things at different times of my life, it either made be give up or made me biter. May we truly have the heart to put in the effort to love people and make effort and heart change for the things that matter to us.  It is WORTH IT!


Same song different verse ;)

Good afternoon Guys!

I know I said last year I planned to blog more regularly and that plan didn’t work out so well :/  We ended up moving back to Colorado by God’s grace YAY!!!! I am so thankful for our life and community here.  No, everything is not perfect but I am so thankful to be back where is home to my family.  We def are a mountain family.  Spring is starting to peak in the High Rockies and I can hardly wait to get in more outdoor runs, hikes, bike rides, and some glorious camping!  I do plan on blogging again more regular.  I am a wife and mom first and life has been very full lately, but I greatly have missed blogging.  I plan on sharing adventures, weight loss journey tips, tips for nutrition that have worked for me, fun things I do to stay active, and sharing bits about being a mom, homeschooling, marriage, and things God is laying on my heart currently.  I am going to try to make it my goal to post a minimum of once per week SERIOUSLY 😉

Raw and Honest…A Call to ACTION and why we can’t just “rest” in everything

Happy Friday Guys!

I have been thinking about writing this post for a while and after reading this article by Shelia at To Love Honor and Vacuum I felt like today was the day to say what is on my heart.  In the linked article Shelia talks about how we must get to the point where we love our bodies and see our body is our friend and something we want to take care of.  I SOOOO agree!  For far to many years I saw my body as my enemy.  I would try a diet or some advice that someone had shared (aka a pat answer or suggestion)  or I had read and of course it didn’t work and I never changed.  I never developed lifestyle habits to truly change by doing that. However, I’m going to go a step father in my post today.  As I said it is raw and honest.  Throughout my  20s I spent a good 6 to 8 years intentionally praying on things I wanted and needed to change in my life, including my weight, but if I am really honest I was not doing anything to actually change these things. I was doing life the way I had always done life but yet I wanted different results.  HORRIBLE COMBO and thankfully once I realized it with my weight God opened my eyes to many different ways I was doing the same thing yet wanting different results. It was a harsh reality to realize I was not taking action with things in my life.   I thought I was “resting in God”, which of course can be important, but I really honestly was not taking any ACTION steps to change my life. Many times true trust and faith requires us to do our part and take steps to change.  I  I had become comfortable in my misery without realizing it. My cop out became just leaving something  “at the feet of Jesus” and “just trusting  him to work it out”.  He was actually calling me to take ACTION steps to change those things in my life that were making me miserable.  Sometimes, he calls us to do things that aren’t comfortable if we truly want change.  Once I truly realized this and was able to see my own faults and areas I could take action on, I finally felt TRUE FREEDOM!!  I finally felt like I was coming alive.  My husband and I started talking about the things we wanted for our life, marriage, family  not just what we had always known and seen and thought we should do “just because that is expected and what everyone else was doing”.   Yes, we absolutely must trust in his timing on things we can’t control, but also if we are miserable or just living life out life the way we’ve always known or done, not truly what God has intended for us, we are making excuses not to change.  For instance, my husband and I had always longed for seasons and living in the mountains.  We strongly dislike the heat and humidity where we are from, but for many many years we just talked about it and how nice it would be to one day change.  We were miserable, but yet we weren’t taking any action steps other than praying to one day move.  However, once we truly said God has laid upon our hearts to move, we are going to trust him, but we are going to actively seek this out it happened and we are so thankful it did!  We realized what home was to us and that we were just different that all we had ever known.  It was NOT completely easy and did indeed require action on our part, but my point is had we never taken steps to actually pursue it we NEVER would have and would still be talking about it.  (full disclosure—we do live back in that same area for a small season until fall but it is totally different this time as the reasons we are here are different and we are moving on) However, on the flip sometimes we must do our part but yet rest in God’s timing.  I was ready to be back in the mountains from almost the day we arrived back here, but it wasn’t God’s timing.  It was hard to come to grips with that and that moving back here was a mistake, but we had 2 options continue living here and stay miserable and dwell on it or make plans, while heading to The Lord, and move on.  This is my raw honest heart today and hope that we all take ACTION when needed (no matter if it weight or healthy lifestyle or something completly different) and know how awesome The Lord is.  He is so patient as he had to be patient with me for many many years and I so wished I had reconized it sooner, yet I’m so thankful for his grace, love, and understanding when it took me so long to “get it”. Happy Friday Friends!

Keep on Moving even when it is hard

Good Afternoon Guys!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday.  I want to encourage myself and hopefully others today.  As I mentioned yesterday, I live in an area, that for me, is hard for me to lead  the type active lifestyle I have become accustomed to.  I love to cycle, run, and hike.  I enjoy it for exercise but also because it is enjoyable time to be outside.  However, right now that is not the case!  It is very hot and humid and summer is already in full bloom here in the Deep South.  If you aren’t familiar with the Deep South it is very hot and humid and it affects me the way the winter can sometimes effect others.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the summers of about the mids 70s to 80 and cooling off in the evenings.  (mountain summers) and mountain life living in general.  However, for this short season I am here.  I may not be able to ENJOY the outdoors and activity as much as I’d like but it is still important to me and my overall goals.  I sometimes dread my runs, but with that said, that isn’t an excuse NOT to run or be active.  I feel SO MUCH better when I am active on a daily basis and I also believe in continuing to take care of myself and make it a priority (as we do anything else important to us) even when it is a season that is less enjoyable. Here is a great article which list some benefits of making exercise or an active lifestyle part of your routine.  http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-10798/6-reasons-why-exercise-makes-you-happy.html  For you, maybe you enjoy the heat, but you are short on time so exercise can seem hard to plan at this time.  Maybe it is hard to gain the courage to truly start a routine to change your life. Maybe you have tried and quit and don’t want that to happen again.  Or maybe you are actually enjoying your current season of being active which is so awesome!  Regardless where we are with our lives let us all be  #noexcuses people who make being active and healthy a part of our life no matter the season 🙂 I will leave on that note and a picture, since I’m a huge fan of keeping it real!  This is how I look after a run down here.  SO very hot and sticky and I have to take a few minutes to cool off.  Yes I know I look ridiculous 😉  However, it is what works in this season.  I am having to change my plan but not my overall goal.  Have a wonderful evening guys!IMG_8552

An update….

Hello Blogging World!

I am so sorry I have not blogged in so long.  I have missed it!  Life has been very busy for my family.  We moved out from out west back south to be near family in the past few months.  However, we have decided we are certainly a mountain family and miss the life we have become accustomed to so very much , so with that said, we are making plans to move back to the mountains in September!!! SO THANKFUL!!!!   I plan on starting to include some post on cycling and running on the blog along with some challenges so we can all hold each other accountable.  I also plan on including some ways to keep active in crazy heat and humidity. For me, to be honest it is a struggle some days. I enjoy being active but I don’t enjoy it in crazy heat and humidity.   I lost almost all my weight in The Deep South, when we lived here before, and was super dedicated to exercising but overall I was not as active of a person back. Since then I have realized I don’t just enjoy exercising I enjoy an active lifestyle. My family’s favorite thing to do is to explore outdoors.  Our favorite activities include hiking, cycling, running, and snowboarding. We are struggling with ENJOYING being active in the heat. We are also missing the daily activities we became accustomed to in the mountains.   However, that is NO EXCUSE not to remain active so we are  still remaining active in this season 🙂  So all this to say, I’m still here and I plan to be more consistent in my blogging and hope to encourage some of you along the way.  If you have questions, as always, please feel free to contact me. I hope you all have a wonderful week!!